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Home :: Hanoi :: A noisy blur of red headlights...
A noisy blur of red headlights...
Posted Tuesday, 30 May 2006
...and a cocophoy of honking horns. They blare their horns not because you are getting in their way or it's dangerous but to warn you of their presence. Every vehicle does it - in fact if you had an accident and the Police could prove you hadn't used your horn enough you'd be arressted for dangerous driving.
sandracool photo, ben!
BenedictCheers Sandy, but I can only blame on the camera I bought in Hong Kong - it has a very good auto focus.
CarlAutofocus isn't what produced that effect, it's a slow shutter speed. Notice that the woman is significantly sharper than the guy to her left despite being about the same distance from the camera, because she's moving more slowly.Just FYI. It's an awesome shot, whatever the reason!
BenAll your techo talk befuddles me.
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