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Home :: Hanoi
The Paris of the Extreme Orient.
Currently has 17 entries.
All a bit French I reckon.
Me and Wend were incredibly wary of going to Vietnam. We had heard tales of how hassly it was, ..
The view from the street corner
Beautiful tree-lined narrow streets, with athousand Honda scooters zooming past you. But, ..
A noisy blur of red headlights...
...and a cocophoy of honking horns. They blare their horns not because you are getting in their ..
Our friendly cyclo driver who smiled and fleeced us for 5 times the correct fare...
...but when it's 3 pounds for a 3 hour tour and he was probably a non-Communist ex-soldier who's ..
Vietnamese flag fluttering outside the Ho Chi Minh museum
That day we were also lucky enough to see his embalmed corpse a few meters away. He glows orange ..
Just to prove it's not all glorious sunshine... and Wendy looking very bedraggled at Ho Chi Minh World. ..
We really have had some very wet days here
Usually it's glorious sunshine in the morning - when we are sleeping - and by the time we've had ..
It's true - they really do wear those pointy hats!
One Pillar Pagoda. Self-explanatory.
This bridge is the symbol of Hanoi but I appear to have forgotten it's name. Nice tho'!
After all the temples of Thailand and Laos it was a relief to come across a bloody great cathedral.
Almost the Marais in Paris
But all this sightseeing can take it out of you...
...Wendy has a well-earned siesta.
Nice red window on an old pagoda
Uncle Ho is everywhere.
Funky graffitti
We were told that it's actually people advertising their trades (such as pulmbing or ..
The Laughing Cow
One thing the French left in Indochina was the Laughing Cow which is as omniprescent as the ..
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