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Home :: Mae Sai/Tachiliek :: Several metres inside a dictatorship
Several metres inside a dictatorship
Posted Tuesday, 02 May 2006
We were in a bar in Chinag Mai, listening to a Thai Bob Marley, talking to a guy who said he's just renewed his visa, when we relised, to our absolute horror, we'd completely forgotten when ours ran out. The answer was in three days time. If we wanted to go to the mountain town of Pai we had to do a 'border run' to Burma.

So off we went went on an elongated day trip with a load of other tourists with an added border stop. This took in a hot spa (steaming hole in ground), the Golden Triangle (three countries meet with unexceptional scenery) and an ethnic village (please buy our ethnic handicrafts). The best bit was indded our 10 minute trip to Burma. Suddenly the dual carriageway ends at a border post. We then walk along a bridge over stinky stream (where small children are cross from one side to another, visa free), go into dictatorship, decline the option to go shopping, give the Burmese men $5, then go back to Thailand and get stamped in again.

Then we had to get back into our minivan with lots of annoying couples who were saying things like "You know in those villages dogs and chickens run wild - and they live like that!" - yer, like it's not Milton Keynes. Surprise.
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