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Home :: LA sunshine :: Santa Monica - sun, sea, sand and smog
Santa Monica - sun, sea, sand and smog
Posted Wednesday, 08 August 2007
So, landing in LA after three weeks in Rarotonga was a bit shocking. It's a bit bigger than what we're used to! However, LA was so much fun that within a day we'd forgotten our former lives on a titchy island and were revelling in the food (Mexican), the freaks on Venice Beach (anyone for a snake charmer in hotpants?), and the gloriously trashy scummy paradise that's Hollywood. We peered at the sign through the smog and Ria got all excited about the handprints outside the Chinese Theatre while Jim stood by unmoved. Ria has exactly the same sized hands as Marilyn Monroe, which surely means she's destined for stardom (we're not sure how yet but we know it's in there somewhere, like a seed waiting to germinate). Arnie, incidentally, has feet like canoes.

Speaking of the Governor, Venice Beach is where he used to pump iron and it's definitely a breeding ground for crazies. I don't care how easy some geezer made it look; I'm still not convinced that a penny farthing is a viable form of transport.
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