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Home :: Arthur's Pass :: A weekend in the mountains
A weekend in the mountains
Posted Saturday, 02 June 2007
To get to Arthur's Pass, a 737-metre high pass in the Southern Alps, we got the Transalpine Railway. Straight from the brothel and weighted down with a ton of food we dragged ourselves to the station at 7.30, sat in the only backwards-facing seats in our carriage and ended up having an absolutely amazing journey.

The train went over several viaducts but one of them, the announcer informed us, was particularly scenic. When it was coming up a load of passengers (including us) jumped up to go to the outside viewing carrige - and missed the viaduct. We went over it while I was walking past the loo. Then we spent the next 15 minutes whipping in and out of tunnels with everyone (not including us) trying to take photos of the scenery and getting pictures of the tunnel walls.

We stayed in a fab little hostel up in the mountains and did tons of walking in the creepy forests. Our hostel wasn't exactly a thriving hub - just us and some serious trampers who discussed the relative merits of walking sticks over dinner, and who were probably out scrabbling up the mountains and fording rivers while we were having leisurely brunches. I think they may have regarded us as amateurs - how outrageous!
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