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Home :: Bangkok
Welcome to Thailand
Currently has 22 entries.
mmm pretty gold
MOnks hanging out. My fave pic so far!
me and bell
ben and bell...we like the bell ya!
ben reading book (exciting stuff hey..)
book shot
monks sitting
mosaic everywhere
pretty flower!
'cabbages and condom' restaurant (AIDS project)
not my usual use for condoms, but it is a look
tom jones on tour in bangkok
Ewen and Ben after a few
Me and Ewen.. yep you've guessed it after a few..
'Oh my Buddha' you have no idea how big and impresssive this buddha is
Thai's really do say 'Oh my Buddha' I wasn't taking the piss.
shell garage/moonshine bar
The Phallus Shrine garden and no that isn't code for Hamstead Heath
I think we might have missed this show.. by about 50 years
ah pretty flowers.. you see mum, i'm slowly turning into you!
what is very wrong with this?
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